Promotional Bags Help Shopping District Flourish in North Jersey

Many retail businesses have faced challenges over the past few years as the state of the economy forced consumers to cut back. This year- just in time for the holiday season- merchants in Teaneck, New Jersey decided something needed to be done to increase revenue, as well as the community livelihood. As reported by, 11 business owners analyzed demographics, brainstormed the best way to reach their patrons, and settled on the idea of creating and distributing promotional bags filled with coupons. In addition to these incentives, store owners also offered a 15% discount on whatever shoppers could fit in the bags. All information detailing the promotion and the participating stores were printed on stickers and placed on the promotional bags, as was information about the economic benefit of shopping locally.

This promotional bag campaign generated results in Teaneck, both for merchants and for residents of the neighborhood, who were excited about the community impact. I think the campaign is incredibly clever, as it utilizes local resources- as well as affordable and reusable promotional products- to spread awareness and garner results. How have you used your promotional bags this season?

Marketing Coordinator

Image by andrewarchy

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