How promotional products influence brand recognition

radiolab.orgWNYC’s Radiolab — a fantastic podcast — had a fascinating short this week called “Do I Know You?” about people with a delusional disorder called Capgras.

A woman suffering from Capgras comes home to find a man sitting in her living room, wearing her husband’s clothes and containing all his physical features, but who, to her, simply is not her husband. In actuality, he is. But she can’t shake the feeling he’s an impostor.

Psychiatrist Dr. Carol Berman and neurologist Dr. V.S. Ramachandran deduce that “recognizing people, even the people we know the best, is more about how they make us feel than what we see in front of our eyes.”

Isn’t it the same with brands? Most of our buying decisions result from gut instincts, rather than tactical comparisons.

So what are customers’ feelings telling them about your brand? The point of promotional products, beyond advertising your logo to a number of eyeballs, is to establish a relationship between you and your customers, clients, and employees — to give them a positive gut feeling about you.

How will you use promotional products to develop or reinforce people’s emotional recognition of your brand?


1 comment

Thank you for providing your time to give this information. Made me feel inspired.
Have a uplifting day!

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