Celebrate Memorial Day!


beach itemsThis weekend, take a moment to reflect on the true reason for Memorial Day’s existence. Although we often associate the holiday with a long weekend or the Indianapolis 500, Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for American soldiers who gave their lives for our country. As you set off on trips to the beach or lake, pause to consider the people who are the underlying cause for this national holiday. Our homeland is fortunate to have such dedicated servicemen and women protecting our honor.

Despite the solemn nature of Memorial Day, a long weekend is always reason to celebrate! Employees or customers can enjoy beach-themed goodies all summer long, and we suggest stuffing gift bags with necessities from our Beach Items category.
Fillers like Frisbees offer fun for the whole family, and Sunscreen & Suncare Kits will help prevent nasty sunburns.

This Memorial Day, have fun and stay safe, but most importantly, give thanks for the soldiers lost in the name of duty and keep American troops currently on the front lines in your thoughts and prayers.

Marketing Assistant

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